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11116 NorthEast 156th Street
Wide variety of locally adapted seasonal vegetables and occasional fruit. Share of winter vegetables offered in November.
Hunters' Greens offers CSA shares for a season beginning the first Wednesday in June and ending the second Wednesday in October. Our 2011 share price is $450.
Pickup can be made at the farm or near 28th and Main in Vancouver.
We strive to farm sustainably using no synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Owners Diane and Jim Hunter supply all the labor on the farm. Our goal is to farm "as if everything matters", including our human, animal and plant neighbors.
CSA Details:
Season: June through October
Type: Single farm
Since: 2001
No of Shares: 35
Full Share: $450/season, $100 Winter share,
Work Req? No
Pick Up/Drop Off Points:
Hunters' Greens (Wed Thu Fri)
Share pick up after 4 p.m. Wednesday, shares available through noon Friday
Contact: Diane Hunter
Phone: 360 256-3788
Address: 11116 N.E. 156th St.Brush Prairie, WA 98606
West 28th and Main (Wed)
Pick up between 5:00 and 6:00p.m. curbside mid block on 28th
Contact: Diane Hunter
Phone: 360 256-3788
Address: 111 W. 28th, Vancouver, WA 98660