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Kauai Voices

We are a charitable organization 501(c)(3) that seeks to educate members of the community in the appreciation and performance of choral music and to enhance choral music appreciation within the community by performing regular concerts. Kauai Voices provides educational opportunities for individuals to learn and perform a variety of music material. As a vocal ensemble, Kauai Voices would be available to perform music for individuals as might be requested for public and private events. Kauai Voices would also conduct short-term musical workshops or clinics for individuals of the general public to attend.

We are a vocal ensemble of approximately 40 members chosen by audition to assess vocal range and skills. Auditions are held by the Artistic Director who selects the participants. The ensemble currently conducts two seasons per year with at least two concerts in each season. Our current host for rehearsal space and our concert venue is St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church in Lihue. In the future, in addition to our current venue, we would like to perform more concerts in venues on other parts of Kauai.

The vocal group is also available to perform as may be requested by individuals or organizations. For example, we have performed music for Chiefess Kamakhelei Middle School, Kauai Hospice, Kauai Museum, Kukui Grove Mall and Kukuiula Clubhouse. Kauai Voices has committed to perform twice a year in a regular Sunday worship service of St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, which hosts the rehearsal space and is our present concert venue for the group.