About Us:
Since 1877, Kennesaw First Baptist Church has been ministering to the lives of people in North Cobb County. Over the years, our community has changed, and so has KFBC. As we have grown, it has been our goal to keep that "home church" feeling in everything we do. We are a group of believers in Jesus dedicated to knowing Him and making Him known, and committed to building meaningful relationships.
Across the world or across town, men and women of KFBC are working to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and all people. Groups make mission trips within the United States and into foreign countries. M.U.S.T. ministers to people in our neighborhood who are seeking something in their lives and are needing help.
Open Gate touches the lives of children who are going through rough times in their lives and with their families. OCC (Operation Christmas Child) is an annual effort of filling shoeboxes with common items we take for granted and delivering them to children in poverty-striken countries who get the gift of love as well as a gift of joy. Click on the links to the left for more information on each of these ministries.