Welcome to our Church: We invite you to come and fellowshipwith us. We hope you and your family will have a warm and spirit-filled experince with us as we worship and fellowship together. KCCCWM is a new Church a none- denominational multi-cultural Church here we Equip, Educate, Build for the Advancement of God's Kingdom. Anything God wants to do in the earth He use people (Amos 3:7) Indeed the Lord God never does anything until He reveals His plans to His servants the prophet. Our desire is help you grow spiritually and mentally developing the mind of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:5) Let this mind be in which was also in Christ Jesus.Our attitude should be that as of Christ.
Is This You:
1). I want to learn and grow.
2). I want to understand who I'am in relationship with God.
3). What is my purpose here on earth and how can I accomplish it.
4). My heart desires is God.
5). How can I become a Citizen of the Kingdom of God.
6). I want to know what my gift is and serve as a Kingdom representative.
7). I want my WORSHIP to be a lifestyle.
If this is you we welcome you we welcome you with open arms and the love of God. Come be apart of KCCCWM family let's advance the Kingdom of God together.