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Kinston/Lenoir County Parks And Recreation Department

405 North McLewean Street

The Kinston/Lenoir County Parks and Recreation Department offers the citizens of Kinston and Lenoir County an opportunity to develop their leisure time and interests.

Activities that promote the enrichment of life in the community help to make Kinston and Lenoir Co. a desirable place to live. Recreation offers a creative outlet for developing physical fitness, sportsmanship, leadership, cultural arts, family unity and community spirit. The interaction of people participating in a common interest allows them to grow and prosper together. We hope to offer every citizen some opportunity to belong, to achieve, to develop skills and to receive recognition and status through these associations.

The Kinston/Lenoir County Parks and Recreation Department serves all citizens regardless of physical or mental disability and will work to accommodate all persons. If assistance is needed, call the Parks and Recreation Department at (252) 939-3332 and remember... with Parks and Recreation, the benefits are endless!
