History :
Our local projects help others in wide variety of ways. Some of our special projects include:
Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD - Kiwanis International Projects)
Christmas party and dinner for all the Foster Children of Clatsop County.
Sponsor students participation in a wide variety of trips and institutes such as 4-H, Boys State, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts.
Helped the Oregon Kiwanians 1n 2004 raise over $150,000 for Pediatric Cancer Research at Doernbecher Children's Hospital. Since Kiwanis involvements the survival rate has increased from 20% to 80% of children entering Doernbecher with cancer. (Over 300 from Clatsop County last year.)
Our Club built Camp Kiwanilong at the South end of Fort Stevens State Park. Thousands of dollars and hours have benefited tens of thousands of children from around the world.
For over 50 years the Junior Regatta Parade has brought excitement and fun to parents and kids each August.
We provide Trauma Dolls for the children preparing for surgery at Columbia Memorial Hospital.
We sponsor Key Clubs at Astoria and Warrenton High Schools.
Award scholarships at Astoria and Warrenton High Schools.
We were the lead Service Club on the New Tapiola Park Playground.