Our club, like all other Kiwanis clubs, exists for the purpose of improving the quality of life; primarily, of the residents of our community (with strong emphasis on youth!) and, secondarily, worldwide. We do this through a variety of service projects and fund-raising activities. A hallmark of our club is to involve physical participation of our members to accomplish projects that are a service to our community. This is in contrast to some other service clubs that achieve their goals primarily by personal financial contributions of their members. Generally, we are involved in two types of activities: (1) service projects, where we use our talents and labor to help the community in various endeavors and, (2) fund raisers, where we work to raise money which we then contribute to worthy causes.
Every penny of income from the fund raisers goes to the worthy causes. Financing of our own club operations and social events is derived from dues and contributions from the membership. Lists of our current service projects and fund raisers are presented below.
We manage to have a lot of fun while accomplishing our goals. One version of Kiwanis history is that the original meaning of the word, "kiwanis", was, "We have fun! We make noise!" Indeed, we do!