About Us:
The Klamath Lake Land Trust advocates for South Central Oregon’s forest, wetlands, deserts, and watersheds, through restoration, land acquisition, conservation easements, ecologically informed land management, and public education.
The Klamath Lake Land Trust, founded in 2010 by a group of forward-thinking community members, focuses on maintaining the region’s special natural resources and way of life. Governed by a local Board of Directors, it is a private, non-profit organization that partners with landowners, government agencies, other nonprofits, and local communities to conserve critical lands. KLLT works to establish a network of permanently conserved land that encompasses important rivers and streams, wetlands, wildlife corridors, and large expanses of intact habitat.
KLLT is a young organization that gets things done! Already, we have worked with willing landowners to conserve almost 600 acres of valuable open space in the Klamath Basin. We are a determined group. It’s the only way we know how to be and it’s what will keep us here for years to come. We stretch one dollar into two because we can’t continue our mission any other way.
For more info and Land Trusts please visit FindaLandTrust.org