Our Vision
To build people into fully mature followers of Christ by teaching them to Love God, Love People, Obey God, and reach all People
"Fulfilling the Great Commission by Living the Great Commandment."
Our Core Values
Inspiring Worship - A worship service lifting up Jesus Christ that warmly welcomes guests is real, relevant, passionate, and is a life-giving experience for all who attend
Passionate Prayer - We believe all we do must be founded upon prayer. We encourage our people to live out their spiritual passions through authentic expressions of intimacy with God.
Small Group Structure - We believe in empowering people for ministry. Through our small groups, you have an open door to live God's dream for your life through exercising your gifts, employing your talents, and serving joyfully.
Loving Relationships - It is our conviction that Love is one of the most important and transforming of all virtues. We desire to express pure love and acceptance to all who enter our doors.
Mission Driven - At LakeShore, we're fulfilling the Great Commission by living the Great Commandment: Loving God and Loving People. Short term mission trips, local outreaches, and a strong investment in global evangelism are but a few ways we are putting our love into action.
Healthy Families - Recognizing that one of the greatest battlefields and proving grounds of our faith in Christ is right within the home, we are committed to strengthening marriages and families.
Children and Student Ministries - We place high value on our children and teens. Our church is aware of the life-long rewards of excellent ministry to the emerging generations.
Creative Simplicity - We must be committed to change and willing to innovate, at the same time maintaining functional structures that are refreshingly practical, balanced, and pure.
Community Care - We believe God has placed us strategically in the Ray Hubbard Region for authentic impact that honors God and transforms lives.
Excellence - We believe excellence should be in all things, and all things should be to the glory of God.
Our History
LakeShore Church was birthed in October of 1990 as an Assembly of God "Decade of Harvest Church" if you wish to know more about the Assemblies of God.