Lakewood Christian Church's Vision - through the guidance of God's word and by the power of the Holy Spirit, to be a community of hope and healing.
Our purpose - is to grow the Kingdom of God. We believe persons today, need to know the incredible love which God has for them and need to be healed and delivered from their brokeness in order to love and serve God more fully. Healed, delivered, and surrendered we become a part of God's Kingdom on earth.
What we Value
-God's love for us and our salvation through Jesus.
-A victorious Christian life through our freedom in Christ.
-The incredible presence of the Holy Spirit which makes it possible to live the victorious Christian life in Christ.
-God's Word - the Bible.
-Serving God by giving our all to Him.
-Loving everyone as God has loved us.
-Helping our Brother and Sister in need.
-Our life everlasting in God's Kingdom above, (heaven).
We celebrate communion or as we call it "The Lord's Supper," every time we worship. We believe that God's Kingdom is best known in the fellowship Jesus had with persons from all backgrounds. He ate with them and told them how there was room at God's table in His Kingdom for all persons.
Jesus promised he would be with us to close of the age. We believe Jesus joins us at the table where we share bread and remember his broken body on the cross, and take the cup of wine and remember his blood shed for us on the cross.
We are a church that believes the Bible is God's inspired word. Through the word of God we come to know Jesus Alive. We know him, how to follow him, and how to live for him. We learn and grow through the teaching of the word and we attempt to follow its leading in all things in regards to our common life.
We believe in the power of prayer. We believe that God is working in the world and works within you and I through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that we are called to grow in holiness, to love and serve God with all that we are and all that we have, and to love and forgive others as God has loved and forgiven us.
We believe that those who are in Jesus Christ already have eternal life and that all who believe in him will receive life in God's Kingdom forever.