About Us:
Education at Lansdowne Friends School is based on a belief in the presence of God within each person. Weekly Meetings for Worship, in keeping with Friends’ tradition, brings us together to nurture an awareness of this presence. Central to our philosophy is faith in the integrity of each child. Our respect for the individual leads us to care for one another and for the larger community.
Lansdowne Friends School provides models and opportunities for children as they develop academically, socially, and spiritually. Our goals for children include: growth in academic skills; cultivation of an inner discipline and a strong sense of self; enjoyment of learning; development of compassion and care for others.
We provide opportunities for self-directed learning and for the application of that learning. We teach life skills needed to preserve good health, to serve the community, and to settle differences peacefully.
Lansdowne Friends School challenges and supports children in their growth as creative and capable human beings. Children and teachers work in developmentally appropriate formal and informal learning settings. Together they strengthen and refine problem solving, decision making and academic skills.
Our program builds on the natural curiosity our children have for their immediate surroundings and supports exploration of their ever unfolding world.