About Lee Early College:
There's nothing new about earning college credits in high school. Through Advanced Placement courses and other avenues, many students have enjoyed fast-paced academic programs for decades.
So what's special about Lee Early College? The entire curriculum has been designed to help independent and motivated students get ahead in life by completing their high school diploma and a two-year college degree in just four to five years.
How it all works.
Students begin by taking a couple of high school classes as well as a couple of college classes.
As they progress through the program, they spend a great percentage of time in college classes.
Early College faculty members help each student select a college degree program and enroll in appropriate courses.
A senior project, which can begin as early as the freshman year, is required for graduation.
Students are able to meet both high school and college requirements in just four years by taking courses over two summers and by taking specific college courses that also satisfy high school graduation requirements.