The Levitt Middle School is a Learning Community that offers students an opportunity to reach beyond the core academic courses to engage in Music and Arts, Foreign Language, and a variety of extracurricular activities in athletics and school organizations. It is our goal to create a positive educational environment that will encourage students to consistently maintain high standards of self-discipline and good citizenship. The Administration and faculty are committed to working to insure that students are challenged and engaged in order to develop their interests, individual efforts; and equipped them both socially and academically for high school and our society
It is my expectation that the Student’s of our Learning Community will arrive each day on time, prepared with notebooks, pens/pencils; and the mindset that they are here to learn. Tutoring is available after school two days a week in Mathematics and Language Arts for each grade level. Students may inquire in their subject area classes as to the assigned days, rooms and times
The Levitt Middle School Learning Community is “Striving for Excellence” by “Putting Children First”. I believe that, “The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of its Parts”. Through the concerted efforts of parents, teachers, students, administrators and the community, the goal of meeting every child’s needs will be realized.