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Lexington United Methodist Church

2600 Massachusetts Avenue

Our Mission

We are an inclusive and nurturing Christian community seeking God's call in our lives. In response to God's gift of grace, we strive to make our faith relevant through worship, spiritual growth, education and outreach in order to manifest the love of God and neighbor.

Our Vision

Everyone Included ~ Everyone In Service

As a Christ-centered, growing community of diverse people united by God's love, the world is our parish. We invite others to join in service. Transformed by God's love, we bring that love into the world to make it a place of peace and justice.

Our Reconciling Intention

All persons are individuals of sacred worth. We affirm Jesus' example of love without reservation and covenant to deal compassionately and justly with each other. Therefore, this inclusive and nurturing community of faith will continue to welcome all persons of any age, gender, race, ethnic origin, economic reality, family status, sexual orientation, diverse ability or social standing as full participants in the life and work of this reconciling congregation.
