Mission Statement :
To extend God's kingdom through establishing strengthening, restoring, and equipping the church family for outreach in our community and the world."
Lima Baptist Church is committed to knowing Christ and making Him known to our world. With God's help and grace we are committed to fulfilling our mission statement as printed above.
Extending the Kingdom of God is our goal. We want to extend Christ's Kingdom into every nation, and every area of life; the homes of - our neighborhoods, the marketplace where we work, our local community, the greater Rochester area, and the world.
We are committed to establishing people in the faith by pointing them to a personal encounter with the living Christ; strengthening Christians in their faith-walk each day; restoring broken and discouraged people to wholeness; and equipping the church family, through training in the Scriptures, that they might become fruitful and fulfilled in service and outreach in the community and the world. It is an ambitious undertaking to be sure. But God is our strength. Won't you join us in our adventuresome quest to accomplish our mission?