Littlejohn Elementary School, located at 1121 School Street (off North 13th Street), is a neighborhood school of approximately 440 students, grades K-5. We are like a big family with a very active PTA that raises over $20,000 each year for the school. Parents are encouraged to become involved in the school either by helping at our annual fun fair, serving on the Building Leadership Team, the School Community Council, helping in the teacher resource room, working at the book fairs, or the ice cream social, to name just a few. As principals, we want to get to know all of our parents. Please feel free to stop by any time. We have great teachers and friendly people working here.
Reading Goal
The number of students who perform in the expanding and transitioning level of student performance will increase by 5% on the IMAGE assessment.
The number of students who perform in the meets and exceeds levels will increase by 5% in extended response, inferences, and comprehension of the ISAT assessment
Math Goal
Student scores will increase by 5% on the extended response portion of the ISAT and IMAGE assessments
Writing Goal
To increase our writing performance in the areas of organization and support
Parent Involvement Goal
To increase the number of parent and community participants at school functions by 5%