We exist as a ministry to build up believers and reach out with God’s love and truth. Living Truth is a non-denominational Bible teaching church.
Our motto, Truth Matters (John 17:17), draws itself from our deep desire and dedication to seek out and pass along the truths found in God's Word, without compromise. In a time when truth is often considered obsolete or relative, we do believe (no, more than that, we know!!) that God's truth still matters.
Therefore, if you choose to make Living Truth your home church you can expect a strong, in-depth forty-five minute to one hour study on Sunday mornings. The teaching is from the Bible, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. We will draw our wisdom and direction from God's Word and we as a church family consider it the final authority for all questions regarding faith, practice, etc. Sadly, this approach to ministry is becoming unique in American Christianity. All too often the Bible is abandoned, compromised or the message watered down.
Living Truth offers a variety of Bible studies throughout the week and our Truth Academy classes on occasion to help strengthen and equip believers such as:
Essential Teachings of Historic Christianity
Growing in Grace, Growing in Gifts, Growing in Leadership, etc.
Evangelism Training
Apologetics Training
Marriage & Parenting Classes, etc.