Mission And Strategy
We seek to be a community of believers who are responding to God's grace and glory in worship and wonder.
Therefore, we dedicate LMPC afresh to our purpose of "enhancing the worship services of LMPC so that these services engage the worshiper in Biblical truth, stir the heart of the believer, and draw the non-believer toward the Savior for the glory and honor of God."
Our process will be:
Pursuing, discipling, and developing musicians (vocalists and instrumentalists). increasing the number and age range of musicians (vocalists and instrumentalists).
intentionally varying instrumentation, liturgies, and styles of music. drawing the children and youth of LMPC to active participation in corporate worship.
We seek to be a community of believers who are being transformed in their relationships with God and one another through large and small groups.
Therefore, we dedicate LMPC afresh to our purpose of "Spirit-empowered, Gospel-driven transformation of hearts, relationships, and culture."
Our process will be:
Discipling that is faithful to the Scriptures and true to the Reformed faith. discipling that addresses the internal, rebellious heart rather than the external, rebellious behavior. discipling that leads to deepening dependence and faith rather than increasing self-reliance and behavioral competency. discipling that relies on the Spirit and the Gospel as the power for transformation rather than mere principles and personal resolve. increasing participation in discipleship ministries so that 80% of worship attendees are involved in Sunday school and small groups. cultivating small groups that grow organically rather than replicate programmatically.
We seek to be a community of believers who are participating in a Kingdom building movement to change the world.
Therefore, we dedicate LMPC afresh to our purpose of equipping, supporting, and encouraging LMPC to carry out Christ's Kingdom commandments in our community, the city, the country, and the world.
Our process will be:
Identifying the Christ-less, the hurting, the poor, and the socially marginalized and those in any need. praying for and with the church membership to be open and searched by God (Psalm 139:23-24) as a people until we see how we are to be a part of a Christ-like solution to the problems identified. going and giving sacrificially of our lives and material blessings to advance God's work as faithful stewards. working as servants through word and deed to show love and mercy, to proclaim the gospel, and to address the needs identified.
Additionally, the Session will participate in an LMPC related network of churches committed to:
Initiating a pastoral and worship leader internship program to mentor staff for future church plants investing staff, members, and funds in future church plants when it is prudent and healthy to do so for LMPC