About Us:
Lost Sheep Ministry reachs out in communities in East Texas in Flea Markets Nursing home and hospital. We have a cowboy style of ministrying appling ranching to church life and everyday life. We minister on 93.5 KBHT at 6:00pm every Sunday "Heart of a Cowboy." You might see me sharing in cafes, convienant store or helping in food pantries and helping in the community.
Founded in February of 1992 by Evangelist Brother Bob Gibson. Our primary goal is to demonstrate our obedience to the
Great Commandment by our obedience to the Great Commission. Brother Bob truly believes he will see the Great Commission fulfilled in his life time!
If only God's people will obey God. God has allowed our ministry team members to carry the gospel message to 61 countries on 5 continents.
Our focus during 2016 will be placed in Brazil, Cambodia, Ethiopia, France, Mexico, Nicaragua, Nigeria, South Africa, Philippines, Russia, Uganda, and Vietnam.
Our goal is to "stir up" God's remnant in local churches to pray, provide, and participate with us as "we hasten the return of the Lord" 2 Peter 3:12a
We believe it is time for the local church to become a LOCAL CHURCH a local church with a global vision. One day we will stand before the "Lamb of God" with those from every nation,tribe, people, and tongue.