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Macedonia African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church

1504 East 1st Street North

We are a Connectional Church, a local congregation of the worldwide African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC). The AME Church, with roots that go back to 1787 in the United States, has been serving the African-American (Black) community from the days of slavery to the present time. Because some misunderstand the meaning of our name we thought it not robbery to explain its meaning:

AFRICAN - means that the church was organized by Americans of African descent and heritage, some actually born in Africa.

It does not mean that the church was founded in Africa or that its membership is people of African descent only. It does mean that those Americans who founded it were of African descent and we proudly recognize this fact. We welcome all who worship Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior regardless of color, ethnicity or background.

METHODIST - refers to the church's membership in the family of Methodist churches. Richard Allen, the founder and first bishop, felt that the form and format of Methodism would best suit the needs of the African community at that time.

EPISCOPAL - refers to the form of government under which the church operates. The Episcopal form of government means that the chief executive and administrative officers of our denomination are our bishops. Their authority is given them by the General Conference, elected representatives of the entire denomination. Their responsibilities are to oversee the spiritual and temporal affairs of the church.

We Believe
.The Bible is the only source of knowledge about God and His forgiveness, and is also the way in which He speaks to us today. It was written by men as they were directed and guided by God's Holy Spirit, and so is true and without error.

. . . There is only one true God. He has revealed Himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

. . . God the Father is the Creator of the universe with all of its grandeur and beauty, and He alone sustains it with His almighty power. The crown of His creation was Adam and Eve, whom He made in His own image that they might live in fellowship with Him and care for His creation.

. . . Adam and Eve doubted and rebelled against God, and their natures became evil. Now every human being is bom with a self-centered (sinful) nature and a tendency for evil that violates God's will and desire. Attempts to change human nature or to please God with our own good are doomed to failure, for God demands perfection. We are not perfect. Therefore, all of us need forgiveness and new life, which comes only from God in Jesus Christ.

. . . Jesus Christ is God the Son. In His perfect life on earth, He did what no one can do. Through His death on the cross, He took upon Himself the punishment for sin that was due all people. By defeating death and rising from the dead, Jesus showed the world that His sacrifice on the cross had been accepted by God the Father, paying for man's sin.