Macon County General Hospital is the only hospital in Macon County. The hospital offers quality in- and out-patient services to the community.
To continually improve our services to meet our community health care needs.
All patients shall be treated equitably and with dignity, respect and compassion.
The hospital shall be operated as a not-for-profit business and yet provide a reasonable return to allow for adequate funds to replace and add new equipment and facilities.
Provide services in a personal and caring manner.
The hospital shall provide financial assistance to assist low-income or uninsured patients who do not otherwise have the ability to pay for the necessary services they receive while balancing the need to maintain a fiscally sound operation.
Deliver cost-efficient services.
Develop appropriate network and affiliations arrangements with other healthcare organizations to meet the community's health care needs and the changing healthcare environment.
Monitor clinical outcomes in an effective manner to assure quality care is provided to the patients we serve.
Quality comes first. To achieve patient satisfaction, the quality of our services must be our number one priority.
Patients are the focus of everything we do. Our work must be done with our patients in mind, providing better services than our competition.
Continuous improvement is essential to our success. We must strive for excellence in everything we do: In our services, our human relations, out competitiveness and our return on equity.
Employee involvement is our way of life. We are a team. We must treat each other with trust and respect.
Physicians and suppliers are our partners. The hospital must maintain mutually beneficial relationships with doctors, suppliers and our other business associates.
Integrity is never compromised. The conduct of our hospital in the community must be pursued in a manner that is socially responsible and commands respect for its integrity and for its positive contributions to society. Our doors are open to men and women alike without regard to ethnic origin or personal beliefs.
Leadership established expectations and plans and manages process to measure, assess and improve the performance of the organization's governance, management, clinical and support services.