Here on Maine Refounders, our goal is to give concerned citizens both a forum for ideas and a easy practical way to get involved. Already, many fellow Mainer's are joining together and starting to preserve our Constitution and make a difference. County and issue groups are forming. Currently, these efforts are in their beginning stages. Be patient. Focus on the broad goals. And let's keep putting on the pressure.
Maine Refounders is a place for you and other like-minded Americans looking for direction in taking back the control of our country. It is also a place to find information that will assist you in navigating the rough waters we face in the days ahead. We will let our voices be heard and resist in a peaceful, patriotic way.
It is our intention to create a grassroots coalition of Americans and provide a platform to unite around a common goal of stopping the socialistic liberal agenda, seek out and support individuals with True Conservative Values, we are also here to let our officials know that RINO's are on the endangered species list here in Maine and will soon be extinct. If done properly, we will create the foundation and structure for rebuilding the conservative movement and restoring constitutional leadership to our State and Nation.