The Mainville Marauders is a group formed within the Mainville Sportsman Club to establish Cowboy Action Shooting and to take part in the fun of using the firearms of the American Frontier in competition events likened to those of the old west.
Cowboy Action Shooting™ is a multifaceted amateur shooting sport in which contestants compete with firearms typical of those used in the taming of the Old West: single action revolvers, lever action rifles, and side by side double barreled, pre-1899 pump, or lever action shotguns. The shooting competition is staged in a unique, characterized, "Old West" style. Contestants shoot in several one- to six-gun stages (courses of fire) in which they engage reactive steel and cardboard silhouette.
In all cases we are limited to lead bullets fired with reduced loads. We shoot at steel targets of various shapes. Most are square plates and they are set at distances from 10 to 25 yards.