Mission: Inspired by the Holy Spirit and nurtured by our sacramental life, Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church creates a welcoming parish home, bears witness to the Gospel of Christ, and serves a world in need through personal and communal prayer, reflection, and social action.
Vision: Mary Queen of Heaven parish will become a place of welcome and outreach to those who are outcast or marginalized by our society, and those who are poor, hungry, lonely, sick, bereft, or otherwise in need.
Through the grace of God, we will model simplicity and open our hearts to universal compassion. Mindful of our role as stewards of divine creation, we will make economic and environmental choices that promote sustainability and flourishing of the planet and all its people.
We aspire to be a community characterized by our spiritual maturity. Therefore we will provide innovative opportunities by for youth and adult religious education including the:
Catholic social justice tradition and contemplative prayer,
Development of lay leadership of our parish, and
Spiritual formation of all.
In the living tradition of the church, we will honor the charisms of all members of the body of Christ, through the church’s liturgical celebrations and effective ministries. We will act with justice and fairness toward those with whom we deal, mindful that the laborer is worthy of his or her wage.