Our Mission: "The Marysville Public Library provides quality information resources to educate, entertain, enrich and strengthen our diverse community."
The Marysville Public Library, Main and Raymond Branch, are community centers for education and entertainment available to every resident, regardless of race, creed, national origin or ability to pay. The Marysville Public Library strives to maintain and enhance our collection of books, DVDs, CDs, reference databases and other materials in all formats to offer innovative technology and quality resources to our growing and changing community.
We are dedicated to providing quality information, education and entertainment services that will give you, your family and our community access to more of our expanding world than ever before. The Marysville Public Library is a visionary leader, providing excellent services and technology to create an information portal that builds partnerships, inspires intellectual and cultural curiosity, and responds to the needs of our diverse community.
The Marysville Public Library is a proud member of the Central Ohio Library Consortium, giving library users access to over a million items with shared circulation among Marysville, GrandviewHeights, PlainCity, FairfieldCounty, Pickerington, PickawayCounty and Wagnalls Memorial in Lithopolis.