About Us:
The McKinley Mountainmen Muzzle Loading Rifle Club (MMMLRC) is a zealous group of Alaskan outdoors men and women who conduct monthly black powder shoots. We actively participate in historical encampments and Rendezvous using 1700 to mid-1800 equipment and methods.
MMMLRC is organized for educational, civic, patriotic and historical purposes. The Club seeks to promote understanding of, and ability in, marksmanship with early American muzzle loading firearms with an understanding of our American heritage when muzzleloaders were an integral part of everyday life, together with fostering the feeling of democracy for which our forefathers fought. The Club also seeks to inform members of the general public about safe handling practices to be observed when using muzzle loading firearms; to demonstrate clothing and articles used during the muzzle loading period of our history; and to encourage and promote hand crafts practiced by our forefathers.