In the aftermath of the gas crisis, the Meadowlands Transportation Brokerage Corporation was incorporated in 1983 as a public-private partnership to improve access, reduce congestion and promote economic growth by working with business and government agencies to address the employee commuting challenges in Northern New Jersey.
The charter members were the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, New Jersey Turnpike Authority, New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority, New Jersey Meadowlands Commission, New Jersey Department of Transportation and the Meadowlands Regional Chamber of Commerce.
The Meadowlands Transportation Brokerage Corporation did business as "Meadowlink" and was the first Transportation Management Association in the state of New Jersey. Its mission was to ...
"Implement innovative transportation programs and services that enhance the quality of life, regional mobility, and economic opportunity for both people and businesses, while reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality."
The Meadowlink name tied the agency's identity to the geographic area around the Meadowlands. As the agency expanded to an area beyond the Meadowlands, it began using the name EZ Ride, which shifted attention from its geographic base to the service it provided.
The EZ Ride name stuck and in 2005, it became the primary brand identification of the Meadowlands Transportation Brokerage Corporation.
Today, EZ Ride manages New Jersey's largest carpool, vanpool and shuttle services for businesses, colleges, universities and municipalities. We offer innovative transportation programs, like car sharing, bicycle and pedestrian services, transportation for older adults and for people with special needs.
In 2010 alone - thanks to support we receive from New Jersey Department of Transportation, NJ TRANSIT, Kessler Foundation, National Center for Senior Transportation and you - we have:
We are driven to provide these and additional transportation services while helping to preserve the environment by reducing the number of vehicles from our highways and carbon emissions from the air we breathe.