Med City Art Festival is a cross-cultural art festival that aims to inform and educate our attendees with a wide range of cultural and artistic experiences that engage, excite, and inspire them. MACF provides a space to showcase artists' original work across multiple platforms.
Bring people together to cultivate an atmosphere where passion drives business and opens minds.
MCAF has two main goals. One is to allow emerging and professional artists to address their artists' expression, exposure, and revenue needs and provide them with the space and context to do it. The other is to provide the public with accessibility to different expressions of art and culture.
Schedule of Events: Entertainment 11am-5pm: Teaching Artists at their booth Noon: Demos 11am-5pm: Interactive Art 1:30pm-3:30pm: Paint Face Artist (free for the public) 2pm: Puppet Show David's Circus On A String 2pm-4pm: Balooms with…
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