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Melrose Public Library

312 Wynnwood Avenue

Nothing defines Melrose better as a community than the example of how the Melrose Public Library, the  first full-service branch library in Putnam County, was created and how it grew.  Both the main building and the new wing became realities because of local initiative.  The idea for it   started in the Melrose Women’s Club, where Maud Watkins championed the cause.  Out of that came  the Melrose Library Association.    The MLA raised money through community events and solicitations for the main building, which was   completed in 1984, and then later for the wing, essentially completed by late 2000.  The state of Florida  provided matching funds.  “The effort was Melrose at its community best”, said Kathi Warren, president of the MLA and shepherd   of the campaign to build the new wing.  “Almost everyone helped in some way.”  The history of the library tells the story.  The Rev. Fred Yerkes, longtime rector of Trinity Episcopal  Church  and library enthusiast (now deceased), kept track of how it came to be.  In 1890, Yerkes said, the minutes of the local Lady’s Literature and Debating Society first mentioned the  need for a library.  In 1900, an earlier rector at Trinity, the Rev. George Gilmore, moved the idea along.Gilmore, a former English school master, wrote to the Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge in England about the need for a library here.  The society responded by sending two cases of books.Since there was no library building, Gilmore stored the books at the church.  Other people gave books, and the church lent them publicly.Emma Brinson, daughter of Trinity’s senior warden, took on the library as a project and kept it alive during that period.Under Yerkes’ guidance, the church’s Boy Scouts in 1939 built a Scout Hut on church grounds as a place, where the troop could hold theirmeetings.  The hut also became a depository for the lending library.  For a short time, in order to qualify for some federal (WPA) libraryassistance, the books were moved off the church grounds to the Melrose Homemakers Club, where they stayed for about five years.When the federal money ran out, the library then moved back to Trinity Church, which by then had acquired a Parish House.  The bookswent into the loft of the Parish House.Because the stairs to the loft were a problem for some of the library patrons, the books were moved again, this time back to the Scout Hut.The scouts made room by agreeing to hold their meetings in the Trinity Parish House.