About Us
Messiah Lutheran Church, part of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, was founded in 1956 with nine members present, 6 of those still members. Our congregation celebrated 50 years of a faith-filled journey in 2006 and look forward to expanding our facilities in 2008 for the next 50 years. The members of Messiah Lutheran Church are a family, united in the Christian faith, who love to share the Good News of Christ. Messiah has built a community reputation glorifying God for the excellence of its music and arts tradition.
Our focus is to meet the needs of people throughout the Mandan-Bismarck area by offering the following faith enriching opportunities.
Serving over 300 church members.
Sunday school program and Vacation Bible School.
Several Bible Studies.
Youth Group.
Chancel Choir.
Affiliation with Martin Luther School.
Part of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.
Messiah Lutheran has been in its present location at 1020 Boundary Road in Mandan since 1991. We invite and welcome you to join us in growing in God's Word and His love.