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Middleburgh Library

323 Main Street

About Your Library

The Middleburgh Library is chartered by the New York Board of Regents as a School District Association Library.  The library is owned and goverened by the Middleburgh Library Association, a private non-profit company with an 11 member Board of Trustees.  The library serves the residents of the Middleburgh Central School District and is a member of the Mohawk Valley Library System.  Currently, the library is open 35 hours a week and employees a part-time staff of four. 

Our History 

September 9th, 1932:  From the preliminary meeting of the Middleburgh Library Association – “A group of persons interested in starting a village public library met by invitation, on Friday evening, Sept. 9, 1932 at the home of Superintendent & Mrs. William F. Spencer.  It was decided to form a temporary library association according to a plan outlined by the State Department of Education, and to start a drive for charter members.

Financial support has been promised by the Cooperative Club and the Century Club.  The board of Education of the Middleburgh Central School has set aside a room in the Haynes House, which has recently been remodeled as a room for the village library.  Means of heating the room have been provided.  Mrs. Frances B. Spencer, who is a qualified librarian, donated her services as librarian without cost, for two afternoons and two evenings a week.”  Mrs. Spencer served as librarian without pay for more than 40 years! The local Boy Scouts helped collect books to be loaned from within the community.  A membership drive collected funds, and the book committee made a trip to New York City to purchase $500.00 worth of books.  Over three thousand books were loaned during the first year.
