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Dating back at least to 1840, there was an active Methodist Church in Wallisville. At that time, Wallisville was on a circuit with Liberty, Dayton, Devers and Hardin. Beginning about 1860, Liberty and Wallisville comprised the charge. For a three-year period, from 1875-1877, the charge name was given to Wallisville. After this period, the pastor at Liberty again served the congregation at Wallisville.
During this period, services were held in the one-room 1869 school building in Wallisville.
A parsonage was built in 1884. A Ladies Aid Society was organized in 1890 for the purpose of
"mutual friendship and improvement, Christian love and work". The women soon thereafter set out to raise funds sufficient to build a church. This was accomplished through entertainments, festivals, dues and subscriptions.
By 1895, the women had collected $1,000, and construction of the church was begun. The lovely church was dedicated on Sunday evening, September 15, 1895. Not content to rest on their laurels, the women raised more funds and built a new parsonage in 1903. Although the church building survived the 1915 hurricane with only minor damage, the structure was completely destroyed by a cyclone in 1919, and the parsonage was later sold.
Brother J. F. Wallace was the last pastor to serve the Wallisville church as an organized congregation. After the church building was destroyed, services were held again in the 1869 Wallisville School building, which served the congregation for several decades. Although the Wallisville church was not officially organized as a pastoral charge for many years, pastors from the Church of Anahuac held occasional services in the community.
On October 24, 1954, the present sanctuary was consecrated to the glory of God and the service of men, and in memory of Archie D. and Effie Mayes Middleton by Mr. and Mrs. R. Mayes Middleton and sons, David Mayes Middleton and John Gregg Middleton. Bishop A. Frank Smith presided at the dedication services and was assisted by W. E. Hassler, Grady Earls, Chester Steele and Dr. Monroe Vivian.
At that service, the church was reestablished in Wallisville and was given life as a charge within the Texas Methodist Conference. This was the rebirth of this church in that it once again became an active member of the Wallisville community.
Since 1954, there has been a regular minister to serve this church. The church was extensively renovated during 2004 and was rededicated to the memory of Mrs. Triphene S. Middleton, who passed away earlier that year. Rev. John R. Black serves as church pastor today.
This church has survived hurricanes and storms, good times and bad, and it exists today as testimony to both the faith and endurance of the people of Wallisville.