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Montgomery County Community College

Montgomery County Community College
340 Dekalb Pike

Montgomery County Community College is a place where the future is created, a place where desire and knowledge are combined to yield opportunity. The College is a reflection and a response to the needs and aspirations of those who live, work, and conduct business in Montgomery County and beyond. Grounded in a set of values that teach us to encourage, listen, respect, and treat fairly those whom we serve, those with whom we work, and those who work with us in service, the College strives to ensure that all residents of Montgomery County have access to the highest quality and most affordable higher education possible. Most importantly, the College is dedicated to fostering the growth and success of all we serve.

The College believes that learning is a lifelong activity requiring constant adaptation of programs, courses, and learning support services to reflect social, technological, and workforce changes and to ensure that all learners reach their unique goals.

Believing in the right of everyone to have access to a quality education, to workforce training, to opportunities for personal and professional growth, and to culture and recreation, the College translates the values of its community and reaches out to it, inviting involvement, offering learning, and fostering understanding.

As part of its role in the greater community, the College serves these vital functions:

It provides quality associate degree, certificate, and continuing education programs that lead to transfer, employment and/or personal enrichment;

It extends the reach of its programs and services, and thus educational opportunity, to meet the learning needs of those who can not readily access collegiate educational opportunities because of academic, physical, economic, cultural, or geographic boundaries;

It links with leaders of the region's businesses and industries to assist in developing a vital, current, and educated workforce;

It serves as a cultural and recreational destination, presenting opportunities for area residents to attend activities that feature stimulating and popular entertainment and ideas;

And, acting as a significant element in a larger regional learning community, the College works with K-12 and university teachers, leaders, and learners to ensure a seamless and successful transition from high school, to the associate degree, to the baccalaureate degree, and beyond. It is through its role as one institution with one set of shared values and principles, yet with multiple physical and virtual points of access, that the College works to define itself.

Evaluation of Mission Achievement

The College views education as a dynamic process that brings to the community a diverse, constantly changing set of learning opportunities; opportunities that grow, change, transform and multiply as the community and our learners confront and react to ever present change. Thus, to fully meet our mission, the College participates in on-going self-assessment and review in order to enhance and improve instructional programs and services to students and the county we serve.
