Montgomery Pagan Discussion is a way for pagans in the Montgomery area to gather, meet and chat.
Currently, the organizer is Phillip Marsh who owns Mystical Treasures Emporium on Mulberry Street. Most of the events are being hosted at the store.
There are two Reiki shares a month. Reiki is an energy healing technique granted to Mikao Usui that promotes healing through deep relaxation. Normally, you must be attuned to Reiki to be able to give Reiki to another person. However, when you have multiple Reiki practitioners in a small area the vibrational rate is raised to the point where anyone (even those not attuned) can do Reiki. As you give Reiki you are also getting Reiki yourself. The Reiki share is a great way to experience the joy and wonder of receiving and giving Reiki. Reiki comes from and is guided by the divine source of the universe and can do no harm.
The store also provides a location for two movie nights a month. Please note that there is no admission fee and Mystical Treasures Emporium is only providing the space. One of the meetup members, Rob, is volunteering the use of his video equipment. Interested parties bring in a witch/pagan themed movie. Please see Phil if you would like to schedule a showing of a movie that you own.
Twice a month there is a magickal discussion/lecture at the store. If you are interested on doing a lecture on a particular topic please talk to Phil.
On the 3rd Wednesday of the month there is a deity chat at the store. Please see the calendar for a list of the deities being discussed. Read up on the deity for that month and come prepared to share what you have learned.
High holidays (Samhain, Yule, Candlemas, Ostara, Beltane, Mid Summer, Lughnassadh, Mabon) are celebrated on the day of the holiday. In addition, new moons are celebrated on the Saturday closest to the new moon. The new moon circles are open to everyone and basic magicks are worked.
On the 3rd Sunday of the month there is a pot luck hosted at Mystical Treasures Emporium. Please bring a dish to share and enjoy meeting and chatting with other pagans in the area.