The Officers and Directors of the Morrow County Agricultural Society welcome you to the 171st Morrow County Fair. The Fair is a showplace for the creative skills of people of all ages, an exhibit of our agricultural resources and a place to exchange new ideas. We would like to invite you to exhibit, participate and attend the Fair. Join us in visiting with old friends, and making some new ones. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people, past and present, who have helped to make the Morrow County Fair a family tradition. We would like to say “thank you” to all the individuals, businesses, organizations, and county officials for your support and cooperation through the years.
Morrow County Agricultural Society welcome you to the 173rd Morrow County Fair. The Fair is a showplace for the creative skills of people of all ages, an exhibit of our agricultural resources and a place to exchange new ideas. We would like to…
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