Mountain Harvest Organics We are located in the Spring Creek community of Madison County in Western North Carolina. The farm has been in production for over 150 years and is nestled in a valley shadowed by beautiful Bluff Mountain over which the Appalachian Trail passes. We offer families a weekly subscription of in season produce through our CSA and sell at local tailgate markets. We specialize in heirloom varieties and grow a broad assortment of greens, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, summer and winter squash, melons, green beans, potatoes and corn. We also grow select varieties of herbs such as parsley, basil, fennel and dill.
CSA Details: -Season:May through October -Type:Single farm -Since:2001 -No of Shares:40 -Full Share:$18/week for mid May to mid October (22 weeks) -Work Req?:No
Pick Up/Drop Off Points: Mountain Harvest Organics Members pick up their shares on either Wednesday 2:00 - 6:00pm or Saturday 8:00 - noon at the farm. -Address:77 Wyatt Lane,Hot Springs, NC 28743 Waynesville Tailgate Market Members pick up their shares at the Waynesville Tailgate Market either Wednesay 8:00 - 11:00am or Saturday 8:00 - 11:00am. -Contact:Julie Mansfield -Phone:828-622-3654