Our Church History: On December 8, 1946 eleven members of the church of Christ met in the home of Pearl Anderson and her mother, Laura Anderson, for worship and planning for the establishment of a congregation of the Lord's people in Mountain Home. There was not a lot of planning, but there was a determination to continue.
The next Lord's Day the small band met in the home of brother and sister Chester Gloer; from there to the Robert Henley home. Subsequently the group alternated between these two places for some time, meeting mainly in the Henley home.
In March 1947, they began meeting in the chapel of Roller Funeral Home. Here the first meeting, a mission meeting, was held and conducted by brother E.T. Bomer of Robstown, Texas. Brother Bomer, a native of Baxter County, was greatly interested in the establishment of the church here and encouraged the small group to build a house of their own. He donated the old church building at Arkana, which was salvaged to great benefit.
While meeting in the funeral home membership had grown through baptisms, placing membership and new members moving into the community. During this time the Messicks, Pleasant, Griffiths, Partons and others joined in the work. Brother Messick, being a builder by trade, became the leader in a drive for a building of their own.
A lot at Third and Baker Streets was donated by M.E. Curlee and Jack Hornbuckle, and construction of the first building (a little 30x40 foot structure) began in 1947. The first meeting in this building was on March 28, 1948, with fifteen members present. Here regular services continued with brother Henley taking the active lead in talks, teaching and song leading. The congregation continues to grow.
The first gospel meeting in this building was held by brother Sterl A. Watson in May, 1948, resulting in seven baptisms. Brother4 Z.D. Barber conducted the meeting in 1949. He also assisted in the appointment of the first church officers. Woodson Messick, John Kent and Robert Henley were the first elders of the congregation. From that beginning other men have been chosen to help lead. Eli Sharp, Euless Simpson, Elmer Davis, Don Turney, Carl marshall, Don Ruff, Joe Messick, Jerry Honey, Robert Lawyer and Jack Jones. Presently Lindel Anthony, T.J. Henderson, Jimmy Horton, Randy Mcnabb, Theo Rowe, Jim Scott, Doyle Davis, David Pichford, Cecil Tilly and Roger Stroud, serve as elders.
In 1950 the number had grown to about 100. The original building was enlarged 30'x60' with the addition of three classrooms. A baptistery was also added. During 1950 and 1951 several young preachers from Harding did the preaching for Sunday services - principally brother George Snure.
In 1952 Robert McDougald began regular work here. He has been succeeded by Glen Shaver, J.R. Newman, Arthur P. Davis, Bobby Hilburn, Bill Richardson, Don Smith, Tom Green, Bob Kiser, Mike Shero and Bill Dillon. The youth of the congregation have been assisted by Russell Wright, Bob Glover, Matt Condon, Tim Kidwell, Terry Frizzell, Mike Spillman, Devin Swindle and Philip Medlin.
In 1954 a dwelling on Circle Drive was purchased for the preacher's home and used as such until 1965 when a new house on East Fourth Street was built. as built. as built.