Mind - Body - and Spirit
By challenging and inspiring a person to awaken within themselves a desire and commitment to change, he or she can build the foundation necessary to begin the journey of self-recovery.
Program Statement
Mountainside's program is based on strategies and principles that promote healing and enhance the quality of life. Through the utilization of Motivational Interviewing, Directional Therapy, Gender-Specific Groups, the 12-Step Principles and Adventure Based Initiatives, individuals will encounter, confront and experience the challenges of recovery. Our Community-Based Therapy Model inspires the Communication, Trust and Values necessary for the recovery process to begin.
Founded On Results - Mountainside Treatment Center was founded to provide innovative, effective and affordable ($1,365 per week inclusive) residential addiction treatment for alcohol and drug addiction.
Innovative alcohol and drug addiction program - We chose the most successful alcohol and drug addiction treatment methods and experiential methods (such as an Adventure Based Program, Mind Body Spirit / Yoga, and Native American Sweat Lodge) in order to create one of the most innovative addiction treatment programs ever.
Our innovative and individualized treatment program enables us to succeed where many other programs fail - Mountainside's Treatment Philosophy is; "Just as no two individuals are 100% alike, therefore no treatment plan should be". Each treatment plan is custom tailored to fit the individual needs of each resident. By combining this approach with progressive treatment methods our model has resulted in: dramatically higher rates of success for individuals remaining clean & sober after leaving alcohol and drug addiction treatment