The year was 1944, the place was Autryville, North Carolina and the
achievement was fulfilled at the close of a glorious, three-week revival. Services were held by evangelist J.W. Knight, whom later became the pastor. At the close of the revival, eleven people were taken in as church members.
Once the church was organized, services were held in a small store managed by Mr. Jeff Averitte. Later property was acquired and a small, one room building was constructed. Afterward, five rooms were added to the church and a five, room parsonage was built. The movement continued to grow and
prosper, as did the building program. A new brick church was built next to the old one and the parsonage was also enlarged to six rooms, and two baths.
In later years a fellowship hall was added, the sanctuary was fully carpeted and the light fixtures were replaced with antique brass chandeliers. A beautiful steeple was erected on the church, the parking lot was paved and more land across the road was purchased. New Sunday school rooms were added along with a chapel and the sanctuary was remodeled.
The next project was a new brick parsonage: seven rooms, two and a half baths, and a two-car garage. Followed by landscaping and adding a concrete driveway and walkway. The kitchen area of the fellowship hall was also remolded.
Mt. Carmel has continued to prosper, and in 1998 the completion of our Family Life Center became a reality. This building has been a blessing to our church and community and has served as a multi purpose facility for church and civic activities.
We have also padded the church pews, remolded the front porch with brick pavers, laid tile at the church cemetery,purchased a power point, projection system and added curbing to the landscaping around the church and Family Life Center, plus countless touch ups and repairs. In 2004 Mt. Carmel celebrated her 60th Anniversary with great anticipation for more accomplishments. Since that time many projects have been planned and achieved. In 2005 new stained glass windows were purchased for the sanctuary and in 2006 the church was blessed with the opportunity to purchase adjoining land adjacent to the Family Life Center.Most recently the church marquee was replaced with a new LED sign, which has added a lively accent to the facilities. With this new technology the church is able to share announcements concerning our service schedules and functions.
We give God the glory for what has been accomplished at Mt. Carmel over the past 63 years. As we look into the future, we anticipate more goal and achievements to be made. It is our desire to reap a bountiful harvest for our Lord and Savior.It is our prayer that God will continue to bless our congregation spiritually, physically, and financially.
If God be for us, who can be against us? Our current pastor is Bishop Warren H. Barfield Sr., church membership is 100. Our Sunday School Superintendent is Greg Bullock. Sunday School enrollment is 170, with an average attendance of 128.