The following are district objectives in the major areas of concentration for 2005-06 school year. These objectives are short guiding statements which reflect detailed goals.
Student Performance Assessment
1. Establish student achievement testing goals based on data analysis and interpretation.
Analyze achievement testing data from ISAT, IMAGE, Alternative Assessments, and MAP
Prepare for identified subgroup achievement growth (2005 ISAT) to meet the NCLB goal of 47.5% on ISAT reading and math.
Prepare teachers and students in grades 4, 6 and 7 for ISATs in reading and math.
Analyze "MAP Achievement Goals" (growth target of 55% and 5% above norms).
Set new "MAP Achievement Goals".
2. Implement a nationally normed writing prompt test in grades 2-7.
3. Implement identified gender strategies for improving male achievement in language arts.
4. Administer the OLSAT 8 in odd number grades to correlate ability level with expected achievement for RIT scores on MAP.
5. Train appropriate staff and administer the new Access test for determining proficiency in English.
Curriculum and Instruction
1. Conduct a major review of the gifted education and enrichment program which includes Project Challenge, Saturday Scholars, Speech Challenge, and academic competitions.
2. Evaluate the Running Records/Benchmarking process. Continue work on establishing consistent a research process and deliver staff and student training on "plagiarism".
3. Implement the new literacy program in kindergarten and provide staff development.
4. Implement the new health topics for grades K-5 and provide staff training for the physical education teachers.
5. Implement the new science program in grades 2-5 and provide staff development.
6. Complete the alignment of skills and tasks for math and language arts.
7. Conduct a review of Social Science materials available to determine alignment with the State Standards. If possible, select new texts in grades 2-5 for the 2006-2007 school year.
Professional Development
1. Finalize the training components in "Classroom Instruction that Works" during staff meetings and one final early release training day.
2. Focus on technology training to engage learning during voluntary training in August and during various training opportunities during the school year.
3. Provide a special education topic training for all staff during one early release training day.
4. Provide training in the new 6-point rubric writing prompt test process.
5. Provide all staff with training on the new English Language Learner standards.
6. Provide staff training in the use of the newly developed "research" process at each grade level. This requires a collaborative effort between the classroom teacher, librarian, and tech facilitator.
1. Closely monitor the progress of standard certification teachers who must finish recertification requirements and initial certification teachers who must finish requirements to receive standard certification by July 2006. (second group)
2. Continue staff dialogue meetings at each school during the fall and a district-wide support staff meeting during the second semester.
District-Wide Studies
1. Conduct a study of reading fluency software programs at the K-1 level.
2. Conduct an Ad Hoc Committee study to investigate areas such as attendance patterns, curriculum and teaching methods, school calendars, and resource allocations to formulate a recommendation to provide a learning environment at each school where all students will be able achieve at or above expected benchmarks.
3. Conduct a study into the feasibility of developing a common electronic student progress report for the elementary schools.
4. Conduct "Vision" studies in the areas of leadership and community involvement.
1. Implement the Year 1 strategies and action plans of the Long Range Technology Plan.
2. Increase technology repair and networking services to assist the schools and district office building with immediate needs and expertise.
3. Provide staff training in technology applications and engaged learning (also in professional development section).
- Implement the "research process" at each grade level which includes integration of technology.
Succeeding Together Initiative
1. Assemble, analyze and disseminate the third year of data for enrollment, achievement, and demographics.
2. Continue to monitor the Lincoln School low-income percentage goal.
3. Continue to assess the need for instructional resources to meet the needs of low income students.
4. Continue to assess space needs at each building to accommodate expanded services.
5. Continue to assess the effectiveness of the Initiative components through surveys and verbal feedback.
6. Initiate the following new Initiative components:
- increase the Bilingual Coordinator position to .75 FTE
- naturally expand the native language program to grade 2 at Mechanics Grove School
- combine native language classes in grades 2 and 3 as needed
- implement the new facets of the ESL program
Parents and Community
1. Continue to provide a day and night ESL classes for second language learner parents to be housed in the district.
2. Implement a "Family-School Contract" at each school.
3. Conduct the "Home-School-Community Partnership Inventory" at each school and develop at least one school improvement goals focusing on parent involvement.
4. Implement the voluntary survey for parents to assess teacher performance.
5. Conduct sessions at each elementary school to emphasize the kinds of parent involvement at the middle school and how parents can get actively involved.
Board and Superintendent
1. Conduct a board and administrative direction setting meeting which will include discussion of leadership styles and future planning.
2. Determine a superintendent evaluation process which aligns with contract performance goal areas.