Mission Statement of the Neillsville School District:
Whereas we believe that the goals of education are that of:
-Providing students with the competency in the basic skills necessary for the foundation to all other learning.
-Providing avenues to develop each individual's mental and physical well being with suitable vocational and avocational pursuits.
Providing career education and occupational awareness and developing a relationship to each individual's abilities, goals, and self-concepts.
-Providing opportunities to express and to be aware of one's own and other's cultural expression and heritage.
-Developing a positive self-concept.
-Developing positive human relations.
-Developing awareness and responsibility inherent in our political system at all levels of government.
-Developing knowledge and responsibility concerning national and world resources.
-Developing each individual's imagination, creativity, constructive and critical thinking.
-Developing the necessary skills and attitudes to allow functioning as a self supporting, productive and acceptable member of society.
-Developing an awareness of the importance of life-long learning experiences and opportunities.
-Provide students with the opportunity to develop lifelong learning skills through the use of technology.
Therefore, be it resolved that the Neillsville School Board, Administrators, Faculty and Ancillary Staff, shall continually strive toward full attainment of each goal of education, for each individual utilizing the Neillsville School District.