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New Boston Central School

15 Central School Road

New Boston Central School strives to provide a seamless flow of learning through strong arts, arts integration, and democratic practice. As a unique “Family of Learners”, the school works to achieve higher order thinking skills by acknowledging and nurturing individual abilities and talents. We realize that not only are we here to teach students, but we as a faculty, are also part of the creative learning process.

Essential components of our school culture are collegial collaboration, co-teaching, and cognitive coaching. Interdisciplinary learning develops critical skills, improves student performance, exposes students to a range of cultures and perspectives, and addresses all learners. And ultimately energizes the school environment.

The teaching/learning cycle begins with assessment, evaluation of the assessment, and making informed decisions to plan teaching. We administer the NWEA Measure of Academic Progress to students in grades 2 – 6 as well as the state NECAP in grade 3 – 6. Since the NECAP is new to the state this year we look forward to having access to this additional data.

Professional development is the key to our delivery of assured learning’s for all our students. After evaluating the above assessments, we concentrate on specific areas of focus and provide teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the needs at each grade level. We believe our teachers require and deserve intellectually rigorous, substantive professional development.

Students with disabilities access the general curriculum through individual education plans and support services. Support services are provided through a co-teaching model rather than traditional “pull-out” programming. Reading intervention services are generally provided within the classroom.

Student Council representatives are visible leaders who work together to give all students a voice in decision-making and school policy. We have a student editorial board that publishes a literary magazine as well as coordinating and running school-wide Community Meetings allowing students to share their writings, art and music with a school-wide audience. These meetings are planned and facilitated by students.

New Boston Central School currently has an enrollment of 520 students from kindergarten to grade 6.
