Our Vision Statement - Making Disciples & Making a Difference
Our vision is to become a great church that builds the kingdom of God by making disciples for Jesus Christ and making a difference in our community.
Our Mission Statement: Centered in Worship, We Reach, Teach, Tend, and Send
Centered in Worship which unites and empowers us for ministry,
We Reach out in love to a lost and hurting world and invite all people to be reconciled to their Creator through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We Teach the Word of God to people of all ages through word and deed, by
modeling lives of obedience to Christ and by practicing the tenets of our faith.
We Tend Christ's flock through nurturing ministries that bring healing and wholeness.
We Send out re-created followers of Jesus Christ to serve the world as faithful disciples and to witness to the grace of God.
Who Are We?
a.We Are A United Methodist Church
We are proud to be a part of the rich spiritual and theological traditions that make up the United Methodist Church. Through our connection to this 20 million member worldwide denomination, we are supported in our ministries and in turn support mission outreach around the world.
b.We Are An Evangelical Church
While labels can confuse rather than clarify, we proclaim New Song to be an evangelical church that emphasizes the need to actively spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to an unsaved world. We believe in the Bible as God's inspired Word which contains all truth necessary for our salvation. We believe that the hope of the world lies not in technology or human progress, but in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
c.We Are A Community Church
We are a church for the entire community. We welcome people of all faith backgrounds who want to worship God and be nurtured in their faith. As United Methodists we stand in a tradition of diversity and inclusiveness, where people are not told what to believe but are encouraged to seek their own understanding of the great truths of our faith through scripture, reason, tradition and experience.
d.We Are A Family Church
We are a church devoted to families, whether those families be young or old, single parents or blended families, working or retired. Above all, we want to help parents raise their children by providing quality Christian education, moral direction, and necessary resources to help children and youth grow in Christ.
e.We Are An Inclusive Church
We are a church that welcomes all people to be a part of our fellowship. We believe that the church should be that one place where all are treated equally and loved unconditionally. Those barriers that divide us as a society -- age, race, language, sexual preference, or class distinctions -- shall not divide us as a church.
f.We Are A Praying Church
We believe that the church's very life is dependent upon the Holy Spirit and that we can do nothing without empowerment by the Holy Spirit. It is through prayer that the Holy Spirit is activated within us for ministry. Prayer is the foundation upon which New Song will be built and which will be a top priority in every aspect of church life. It is our goal that every person and ministry will be bathed in prayer, that prayer will precede our every effort, and that prayers of praise and thanksgiving will be offered for every success. We believe in the power of prayer!
Our Core Values and Beliefs
-We believe this is God's church, that Jesus Christ is the Head of the church and that it is guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
-We believe the primary task of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
-We believe that becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ requires a commitment of our lives, our talents, and our resources to the work of God's church. We lift up the tithe as God's standard for giving.
-We believe that all members are ministers of the church and that it is the task of the pastor (and staff) to equip and release the members for ministry.
-We believe that every believer has spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit in order to build up the Body of Christ.
-We believe in the power of prayer and that prayer is the foundation upon New Song will be built.
-We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and contains all truth necessary for our salvation.
-We believe that worship should be celebrative, spiritually uplifting, and alive to the presence of the Holy Spirit. We also believe that worship should be meaningful to believers, comprehensible to newcomers, visitor-friendly, and lead people to a transforming experience of God that manifests itself in changed lives.
-We believe that the heart of ministry is relationships and that this can best be experienced in Christian community.
-We exist to serve others as the loving presence of Christ through effective ministry and mission to the community and the world.
-We strive to achieve the highest quality in all areas of ministry. We will do nothing less than our best in service to God and others.
-We are an inclusive church and invite all people to be in relationship with God through Jesus Christ and within the community of faith.
-We preach and live out the message of God's grace that is unconditional and non-judgmental.