focus of the early 90s was the identification and development of ministries at Newman. The millennial 2000 Jubilee Year provided opportunities for us to turn our attention toward increasing already active involvement in the communities in which we live and work.
In 1999 the parish undertook a full-fledged renovation of the building at 218 Pittsboro Street. Because of the great generosity of the people of Newman, we now have a much enriched and improved worship area, additional office and meeting space, as well as a magnificent new kitchen . As previous generations provided for the needs of Catholic students and faculty at UNC-CH, so this most recent building renovation will offer a welcoming place for prayer, liturgy, and social life for many years into the future.
Over the years, the Newman Catholic Student Center has evolved into a special partnership between campus ministry and parish life. Currently, the parish serves over 800 UNC students and approximately 600 families. It is truly a place, as one parishioner said, "where liturgy and life mesh gears and move together."