The Mission of Newton-Conover City Schools is to provide every student with the best possible instruction, multiple opportunities for enrichment and support, and examples of citizenship resulting in a high quality of life.
Highly professional and dedicated employees will collectively produce one of the best academic programs in the state, while providing nurturing hope and direction for all children, thus enabling them to establish a meaningful and productive role in our world.
NCCS will produce globally competitive students
NCCS will be led by 21st Century professionals
NCCS students will be healthy and responsible
Leadership will guide innovation in NCCS
NCCS will be governed and supported by 21st Century systems
All content and instruction should be rigorous and relevant.
Staff should have high expectations for themselves and each other.
Every student deserves a meaningful relationship with a caring adult.
Parents, staff, and community members must work as a team.
Learning environments should be flexible and adaptive to student needs.
Staff should have high expectations for all students.
All staff should dress and act professionally.
All staff should take pride in providing a safe and orderly environment for students.
All decisions must be made in the best interest of students.
Successes should be shared and celebrated.
Students should have access to twenty-first century technology.
All children are valuable and are worthy of our best efforts.
All staff should support students in all of their endeavors.
All staff should value diversity.
All staff must be good stewards of resources.
Twenty-first century technology tools should be used to increased student learning.
All staff efforts should be to either work with students or support those who work with students.
All learning environments should focus on developing strong character and personal responsibility.
All staff must lead by example.
All instructional decisions should be data driven.