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North Fayette United Methodist Church

847 New Hope Road

The Mission of the United Methodist Church is to "make disciples of (for) Jesus Christ."

At North Fayette we live out our mission by being a caring community of faith where (through Christian Hospitality, Fellowship, Worship and Service), every person is respected, cared for and encouraged in their connection with God and others. Our emphasis is on:

Inquiring: Getting to Know People for who they are and where they are in life, without judgement; acknowledging the image of God in all persons.

Inviting persons to join the journey of faith in Jesus Christ

Informing and Encouraging persons with life-building & faith-building resources (authentic friendships, small group support, Bible study, spiritual development, fun activities and meaningful worship experiences).

Involving persons in the faith journey through missions, service and ministry in the congregation, in our community and throughout the world.
