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Oak Grove Public Library

4958 Old Highway 11

About Us:

Oak Grove Public Library is a part of the Lamar County Library System We opened our doors on November 08, 2003. We serve a growing population in the Hattiesburg area (the Lamar County Side). We offer programs for just about every age group.


According to the U. S. Census, the population of Lamar County grew by 28.4 percent from 1990 to 2000. Just prior to the opening of the Oak Grove Public Library, the estimated population was 41,957, and half of this number resided in the Oak Grove Community. The nearest public libraries were located in Purvis, Sumrall or Hattiesburg . Former Lamar County Library System Director (1997-2003), Stella Wheat, recognized immediately that “20,000 people were being under-served by public libraries.”

In 1999 Stella Wheat and former County Planner , Alana Abney wrote grants totaling $560,000. The $500,000 grant funds were used for construction, and the other $60,000 funds were to purchase furniture and equipment. Sixty percent of the building funds were provided by taxpayers, and the Board of Supervisors provided 40 percent matching funds. Money was also donated by private individuals and obtained through Friends group fundraising efforts (Engraved Bricks Project).
