Olathe Christian Church is an independent, nondenominational fellowship. We maintain no creed but Christ and the Scriptures. We stand in obedience where the Scripture speaks and mature freedom where they are silent. The Christian church seeks to emulate the Apostolic church of the New Testament. Our sacraments are baptism by immersion and the partaking of the Lord's Supper every Lord's Day as it was done from the beginning.
The Christian Churches/Churches of Christ are composed of about 5,500 churches across the United States & around the world with a total membership of over two million. National conventions meet annually for the purposes of fellowship and counsel but have no authority over each independent congregation. The churches develop leadership through 59 Bible colleges and seminaries in which over 9,000 students are enrolled.
The church also ministers through over 1,000 other para-church agencies such as evangelistic associations, church camps, benevolence groups, children's homes, nursing homes, publishing houses, and more. We have a number of publications (all independent); the most notable is the Christian Standard that was formed in 1866. Churches and individuals support these programs on a voluntary basis.
For the most part, churches in our brotherhood use either the name Christian Church or Church of Christ. There are a variety of other names also in use. We desire the unity of Christ's disciples (as Jesus prayed), but we do not seek unity for unity's sake. Unity must come from the truth.
We hold to the position that the New Testament, and the New Testament alone, needs to be our rallying point for union. For nearly two hundred years, we have identified ourselves with the following: We speak where the Bible speaks, We are silent where the Bible is silent.,In essentials unity; In opinions liberty; In all things love,We are not the only Christians; We are Christians only,No creed but Christ; No book but the Bible.