Building a strong foundation in the arts.
The dream for the Orion Cultural Arts Center began in 1976. Founding members had a goal of cultivating and enriching the arts in the Lake Orion area.In March of 1979, a committee composed of members, artists, volunteers, and patrons of the arts, took on the ardent task of locating a suitable facility. The United Methodist Church was willing to donate their historic parsonage to the center, and the Village of Lake Orion was to lease the present site on Anderson Street.With Financial help from Orion Township and physical support from many local volunteers, the building was moved to its new location on June 11, 1979.Through the support of the Village of Lake Orion, Orion Township, fund-raisers and grants, the Orion Cultural Center was opened on April 21, 1980 For the first time in Lake Orion's history, an art center existed - a location where individuals could explore music, poetry, photography, and more. It would also be a place where local artists could exhibit their work and share their talents with the entire community. Over the years, the Art Center has been home to poetry groups, countless classes, demonstrations, seminars, juried competitions, exhibitions, retrospectives and more. The Victorian home is in a picturesque setting on Paint Creek and is a wonderful facility that nurtures creativity. As our community grows, we too must expand in order to carry on our mission.