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Our Lady Of Mount Carmel

10 County Road

Mission Statement:

Our Lady of Mount Carmel School provides a comprehensive learning experience that aims to develop the spiritual awareness, intellectual talents, personal responsibility, and social conscience of each child. Linking learning to life, we seek to prepare our children for an age of expanding technology and telecommunications.
Moral commitment to the Gospel compels us to create an atmosphere of reverence, understanding, and compassion for each person.
Children are empowered to "grow in wisdom, knowledge and grace before God and humankind." (Luke 2:52)

The education of our children constitutes an essential component of the ministry of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish. We dedicate our energies and our resources to this important task. We endeavor to education the mind, heart, and spirit of our youth, through instruction that ties the world events to the social justice teachings of Christ. The OLMC family has created a climate of kindness and respect. Seeking God's blessings on our work, we pray that God our Father will sustain us, that Christ our model teacher will fill us with His love, and that the Holy Spirit will guide us as we strive to mold our next generation "to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk kindly with God."
